12 May 2014

Fourth Week of Easter

A project of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, 

DeSales Service Works welcomes volunteers to join 

in service, prayer, and learning in our struggling neighborhood.





1. Service Word     Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7

As the number of disciples continued to grow, the Hellenists complained against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution.  So the Twelve called together the community of disciples…


Isn’t this great?   As part of the unfolding of the big picture Easter message of the Savior taking on the sin of the world, being raised from death, sharing full, and eternal life with humanity, we read about a petty disagreement in the early Church.   There is favoritism; one group is getting fresh Krispy Kreme donuts while the other gets stale leftovers from a box.


This early Church is remembered as model for all who have come after them.  This new faith often required risking life and family ties—-yet they committed themselves with great energy to the Way of Christ.   But they are still human.


The Apostles do not kick anyone out or throw in the towel themselves, disappointed that anyone would play favorite, or that people would even notice—-given the urgency of the gospel message.   Instead, they address the problem: gathering the community and adjusting the structures to ensure fair distribution.   And we can imagine the Twelve also take an opportunity to teach love of God and neighbor as it relates to neglect and to daily distribution. No doubt they continued to share the good news with the intention to help shape a new identity in Christ that would eclipse even ethnic background and language.


-Are there things that derail you from what it really important?
-How do you do addressing issues promptly and directly?

-How does your being a believer figure into your identity?



2. Last Week in Camden

I missed writing and sending out three Service Matters in a row.  And today I am late.  If you noticed, let me express my gratitude for you following the activities of DeSales Service Works and these reflections.


Going forward, look for a new formate that addresses three things lacking in this email newsletter:

a. It needs photos.

b. It needs to elaborate reporting on groups.   Service groups who work here do generous, great work, and have profound experiences.    I need to report on these with vividness that reflects how great the groups are.

c. I am concerned that in writing and reflecting I focus on addiction and twelve steps alot, since these experience are so powerful.   However, the experience of most volunteers has more to do with our grade school kids and neighbors in the sandwich line.    So we want to represent and share those experiences more to give an accurate picture of DSW service.



3. This Week

A group of Father Judge High School freshmen will serve in Camden on Wednesday.   Saturday Crusaders will be back for work over at Joseph’s House shelter.



4. Links




Fr. Mike McCue, OSFS


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