30 August 2010

22th Week in Ordinary Time


A project of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in Camden, NJ,

DeSales Service Works welcomes volunteers join

in service, prayer and reflection in our struggling neighborhood.





1. Service Word   Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a


No, you have approached Mt. Zion

and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,

… and Jesus mediator of the new covenant,

and the sprinkled blood that speaks more eloquently

than that of Abel.


The wasted blood of murdered Abel cried out for vengeance.   In contrast, the blood of Christ poured out on Mt. Zion is all about forgiveness and new beginnings.   Instead of the same old pattern of human behavior, “an eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth” —returning evil for evil, hurt for hurt, Jesus offers something else.    The usual pattern spirals down to no good, but the way Jesus demonstrates offers a new way.

The law was all about strict justice —what was deserved or not.   The new covenant is all about grace and gift—about what is not necessarily deserved, but what God gives simply because God is good and naturally gives.


-Are there any situations or people where you or I could put aside what is strict deserved and offer a gift, use a different equation?


-Do we give ourselves time to believe in God’s gifts of forgiveness and belonging?


2. Last Week in Camden

Friday the three recent college graduates who will be DSW’s year-long volunteers in Camden began orientation.    They are Tom Briese from Minnesota, Oblate Associate, Tim Gallagher, from Philadelphia, and Mike Morgan from Williamsburg, VA.   Orientation highlights four pillars of DeSales Service Works: Salesian Spirituality, Prayer, Service, and Community.   Saturday featured work with many other volunteers cleaning up a nearby park.    This was good service and good opportunity to meet people involved in service in the community.     The evening activity was minor league baseball on the Camden waterfront hosted by Mickey McGrath.

Sunday, the volunteers celebrated Mass in Spanish at Holy Name Parish. Pat Kennedy, Oblate Peace and Justice Advisor, gave a presentation on Luke’s gospel and the lectio divina method of prayer.    He talked about what Salesian Spirituality might bring to our situation in a struggling neighborhood.  http://www.oblates.org/dsw/salesian_approach_social_justice.pdf  Several local DSW supporters joined us for these discussions and were able to stay for a cookout. We are off to a good start.


3. Upcoming Events

11 September Villa Nova University service day

14 September first of twelve Salesianum senor retreats

14 Service groups in Camden

24 September Holy Ghost Prep father/son service day

24-26 September Holy Trinity’s parish retreat in western Virginia


4. Peace and Justice Blog

Comment on blog entries, and sign up as a follower on the Salesian peace and justice blog.   There are postings on Catholic social teaching, Hurricane Katrina, as well as DSW & Camden experiences. ttp://www.oblates.org/dsw/social_justice_blog.php



 Thanks, Fr. Mike McCue, OSFS

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