21 April 2014

Monday in the Octave of Easter

A project of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, 

DeSales Service Works welcomes volunteers to join 

in service, prayer, and learning in our struggling neighborhood.




1. Service Word 


Happy Easter (Season)!



2. Last Week in Camden

Holy Week began with the last two Salesianum School homerooms here Monday.


Good Friday a group of Sallies students with DSW man Zach Ryan held the first DSW service retreat in Wilmington, Delaware.   I quote Zach’s description:

A really great start! The guys are very enthused about the possibilities which bodes well for us. They all agreed that talking to [parish outreach director] Laveida was the best part. I think we have a winning formula to do some good things there. 


Meanwhile in Camden, DSW year-long volunteer Bernard Camacho played the role of Jesus in the Cathedral Parish’s Good Friday stations of the cross.    With his long hair and beard, he is a natural for the part.   He did a great job bearing the cross thought the streets of North Camden.    This is one of my favorite urban events each year, because we get to take over the streets and send the “forces of darkness” into hiding—so to speak.    This devotion has to make people who are messing up—especially dealers and addicts—think, and pray, we hope.


As we walked through the rough streets, people looked on, some joined us.   This year the last stations took place in the park infront of City Hall, one block from the Cathedral.   Easter Sunday morning Bernard’s Jesus with two angels made an appearance at Mass.   Good job.


3. This Week

Students from St. John Neumann Parish in Merrimack, New Hampshire, will arrive Thursday for five days of service.



4. Links

Bishop Ireton High School student collected school supplies for our parish school, Holy Name School.   They also collected linens for the volunteer house.    Holy Saturday, school administrator, Mary Jordan, dropped off more of the generous collection.


Fr. Mike McCue, OSFS

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