We offer concrete contribution to efforts in this city to improve the lives of people in need.    We also offer the opportunity for people from other worlds to reap the benefits of Christian service, to learn about those in need, and to learn the Gospel with a Salesian and Catholic Social Teaching focus.

Participants improve the lives of Camden neighbors just by being here, being friendly, open, respectful, kind, and normal.    They serve via the various ministries DSW is connected with that offer very practical assistance.

Reflections from students and chaperones

Changing Hearts

“Spending time in a place of extreme and obvious need inspired and challenged me to make service a regular part of life in my setting at home- my town, school, and with family and friends”

“Our service did not accomplish dramatic and ‘big’ things. Poverty, drug trade, illiteracy, and hunger will not be wiped out by the efforts of our group, but our kindness, respect, gentleness, and compassion made real differences. the values of Jesus, highlighted by DeSales, have the power to changes people’s hearts”


Powerful Encounters

“The AA/NA meeting is so powerful. One of our students had a family member who was an alcoholic, and he viewed that family member pretty harshly. But after this student heard stories shared at the Camden AA meeting, he teared up realizing the struggle addicts go through every day. It was important for this student to be able to go to that meeting. It definitely impacted the way he sees addiction and those affected by it.”

“I encountered people who are very different from myself- individuals who are homeless, addicted, from different backgrounds of language, education, experience, race, ethnicity. But our differences dont need to prevent us from making a connection”

Engaging Residents

“The neighborhood clean up was a nice thing to do in the afternoon, it gave us a chance to talk with people in the community and hear their stories. I felt that everyone we talked to were very open and welcoming. Several people told us that they appreciated us helping.”

[mk_button corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”large” bg_color=”#017c22″ url=”https://desalesservice.org/service-retreats/rates-and-scheduling/” target=”_blank” align=”center” button_custom_width=”25″]Ready to schedule your Service Retreat?[/mk_button]